How to self-record thru Panopto video platform

1. Having a valid GTIIT account with ‘Creator’ permissions for recording with Panopto video platform.

2. All GTIIT video records are located in the GTIIT Panopto platform under ‘Courses’ folder. Link to the folder is here.

3. Log in GTIIT Panopto website with your GTIIT full email address & password:

4. Download and install the Panopto recorder desktop client. The download link is available on the top-right corner of the Panopto website after login.

5.  Sign in with your GTIIT account. Use your full email address and account password.

6.  Session Settings – a. Folder – select from the dropdown your specific course under ‘Courses’ folder. 
                                     b. Name – Give a meaningful name to your record session.

7. Sources Settings – 
a. Primary Sources – set your video camera, Microphone and quality. 
b. Secondary Sources – It is recommended to capture only PowerPoint. By selecting this – students will have a split screen with your video +    PowerPoint slides + notes from your slides. 
c. In the main window, make sure you select the PowerPoint tab → set the wanted resolution in the bottom part of the page → click open a Presentation and select your file → Begin recording after PowerPoint opens → the record will start.  

*The PowerPoint slides in your computer are fully synchronized with the video record. You shall keep the PowerPoint in presentation mode and work with the PowerPoint – if you close it, it will not be captured. Note – for presenting other sources that are not part of the PPT (YouTube videos, etc.), you should enable “Capture Main Screen”.  

8.A You can start recording manually. During the record you can pause/resume the record. Once completed you should click the stop button.

9. Recording complete – click the Done button and the video will start processing and upload to Panopto servers. You can follow the processing progress and see all your records under the “Manage Recordings” tab

10. After some time (depends on recording file size and internet connection) the video will be available for you and anyone else who is permitted in the designated Panopto folder.

11.  Links to the folder/video – Select the share button and copy the unique folder URL. You can do this also for each video record (hover over the video and click the Share). 
Note – Each folder in Panopto has a unique URL link and you need to share the specific link to your students in order for them to be able to access the videos.