IT Code of Practice 广东以色列理工学院信息化资源用户守则

The Context 概述

  1. Any reference in the following paragraphs to computing resources, i.e. campus network or facilities applies, where appropriate, to those which are owned by GTIIT, or under its responsibility and must comply with this policy. To be permitted to use GTIIT computing facilities, users are deemed to have read and be bound by this Code of Practice and GTIIT regulations.本规则适用于由学院提供或者在学院责任范围内的信息化资源,例如:校园网络或者硬件设备。用户必须在仔细阅读并同意遵守所有条款后,方可使用此类系统或服务。

  2. Users need to be aware that their communications may be monitored by the IT Department for the business purposes of the institute as demanded by legislation. The legislation allows the interception of network traffic without consent for purposes such as recording evidence of transactions, ensuring regulatory compliance, detecting crime or unauthorized use, and ensuring the efficient operation of GTIIT communications systems. 用户应悉知在使用校园信息化资源的过程中,信息技术部门遵循相关法律法规可能会对用户的行为进行监控并拦截网络通信。其目的包括记录证据、调查犯罪或非法使用,以及确保学院通信系统的有效运行。

  3. Each user is personally responsible for all information contained in his/her possession, including those sent or transmitted to him/her. Responsibility for the implementation of guidelines lies with all users of the institution. 每个用户对其掌握的所有数据负责,包括已经发送或已经收到的内容。所有用户均有义务遵守本规则。

  4. Access to administrative staff email, files, or data stores related to GTIIT activities may also be granted to a line manager or authorized alternate if the user is unavailable for their normal duties for a period and the materials are necessary for GTIIT’s efficient operation. 如果用户在一段时间内不能正常工作,并且该用户名下的电子邮件、文件或其它数据对学校的有效运行非常重要,其直线经理或相关授权人员将被赋予访问权限。

Rules for the use of the GTIIT computing resources 信息化资源用户守则

  1. Access to GTIIT computing resources is normally granted by the issue of an individual username and initial password. The individual concerned is solely responsible for work undertaken from any username issued. Users are responsible for the security of their passwords. Passwords should not be divulged to others and should be regularly changed while ensuring that the codes chosen are unlikely to be discovered by others.  使用校园信息化资源需要经授权的个人用户名及初始密码。用户应妥善保管自己的账户信息,不得将密码告诉他人,更不可将用户名及密码交予他人使用。为确保密码的安全性,用户应定期更改密码。

  2. Access to GTIIT computing resources is given, and allocations are made for GTIIT business, as approved by the Director of the IT Department.  校园信息化资源仅限于工作相关使用,由信息技术部门主管审批并分配。

  3. Users must not damage GTIIT computing resources or interfere with systems or any other user software housed on computer systems.  用户不得损坏学院信息化资源,禁止一切影响学院系统运行的干扰破坏行为。

  4. Users are warned to follow strictly any instructions issued regarding the use of proprietary software and any other confidential information. It is strongly emphasized that no such confidential information may be copied, modified, or disseminated without the consent of the Pro-Vice Chancellors, as appropriate.  使用商业软件或涉密信息,用户必须严格遵守其操作指南。未经主管副校长同意,禁止复制、修改及散布任何涉密信息。

  5. The use of computing resources must conform to relevant legislation. Users must not access, transmit, store, print, promote, or display material where to do so constitutes a criminal offense or a civil wrong. 使用校园网络计算必须遵守相关法律,不得访问、传输、存储、打印、宣传、展示任何触犯刑事或民事法律的内容。

  6. Users must not send unsolicited bulk emails (“spam”) unrelated to the business purposes of GTIIT. This includes advertising for personal goods or services. 用户不得发送与学院业务无关的垃圾邮件,包括私人物品或服务的广告。

  7. All software used on GTIIT computing resources must be appropriately licensed, and proof of such license must be made available on request. 用于校园信息化资源上的所有软件都必须经过正版授权,此类授权许可证必须据实可查。

  8. Projects sponsored by outside bodies should not make use of GTIIT computing resources without the prior consent of the Director of the IT Department. 未经信息技术部门主管同意,外来企事业单位不得使用校内任何信息化资源。

Infringement of the Code of Practice 违反本守则

Users of GTIIT computing resources who are found to be in breach of the above rules may be liable to disciplinary action under the relevant provisions for staff and students. Disciplinary action may take the form of but is not limited to, withdrawal of access to computing facilities, the giving of an oral warning or written warning, the imposition of a fine, or the suspension or expulsion of the relevant staff or student. 一经发现用户违反上述规程,将根据教职工和学生相关管理规定,给予相应纪律处分,包括但不限于:禁止使用学院信息化资源、口头警告、书面警告、处以罚款、员工停职、解除合同、开除学籍。

              GTIIT reserves the right of final decision on the interpretation of these terms and conditions.广东以色列理工学院保留本协议最终解释权。

              Attached Files
              IT Code Of Practice.docx