How to reserve an Electron Microscope in Bookitlab system (For GTIIT Users)

Table of Content

  • Register and log in to the Bookitlab system
  • To reserve an Electron Microscope
  • To cancel a reservation
  • To turn on the email reminder function

  • Register and log in to the Bookitlab system

  1. Go to, and click "GTIIT Single Sign-On".

  2. Fill in your GTIIT email address and password to log in the system.

  3. If you are not the first time to log in the system, you could skip the next below steps and follow the guideline 'To reserve an Electron Microscope' to reserve the instruments. 
    If you are the first time to log in the system, you should select your user group as the below screenshot. Select the Principal Investigator's name as your user group name, and click "Submit Your Join Request" to submit the application.
    If you could not find the corresponding user group in the list, please click the link below based on the electron microscope instrument you want to reserve for the first time. The administrator of the  instrument will create a new user group for you within 2 working days. When the new user group is created, please repeat this step.
    Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) :
    Focused Ion/Electron DualBeam Microscope (FIB) :
    Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM):

  4. Fill in your personal information in the 'User Details' page, and then click the "Save Changes" to save the information.

  5. The system will pop out a message as the below screenshot, click “OK”.

  6. The system will ask you to select the "Service Group" as you are the first time to log in the system. In this case, select "Electron Microscopy Center in MSE" as your service group. Then click "Continue".

  7. The system will pop out a message as the below screenshot. Please wait for the EMC administrators to approve your registration application. Once approved, you will be notified by Email to access the bookitlab system.

  • To reserve an Electron Microscope

  1. After you log in the syetem, select the "Materials Science and Engineering Program" from the home page of the system, and then select "Electron Microscopy Center".

  2. Select an instrument from the list which you want to reserve, in this case is Scanning Electron Microscope. And then click the button 'Reservation'.

  3. Select a suitable time period from the calendar on the left side of the page, and then fill in the trial application form on the right side of the page. You can use the button "More Options" to enlarge the display area of the form.
    After you fill in all the information as request, click the button "CREATE" to submit this application.

  4. The system will pop out the message as the below screenshot, please wait for the EMC administrators to approve your reservation application.
    Once approved, you will be notified by Email.

  • To cancel a reservation

  1. Enter the reservation calendar page, and click the time slot which you want to cancel.
    Click the button "CANCEL". 

  2. The system will pop out a message as the below screenshot.

  • To turn on the email reminder function

  1. If you are worried that you will miss an experiment because you forgot your reservation, you can turn on the system email reminder function, which can send you a reminder email a few hours before the experiment is about to start. 
    Select an instrument from the home page of the system, click the button ":" to display the list. And then click the button "Notify Me".

  2. Check the "Notify me before reservation" option and fill in the number of hours according to your needs to set how long in advance the system will send you a notification email.
    Click the button "Save" to save this configuration. 
