How to reserve an Electron Microscope in Bookitlab system (For external Users) 如何在Bookitlab系统上预约电镜(适用于校外用户)

Table of Content 目录

  • Register and Login into Bookitlab system 注册及登录Bookitlab预约系统
  • To reserve an Electron Microscope 预约电镜
  • To cancel a reservation 取消预约
  • To turn on the email reminder function 开启邮件提醒功能

  • Register and Login into Bookitlab system 注册及登录Bookitlab预约系统

  1. Go to register and log in page via the link "", and then click the button "External Sign-On".
    校外用户请通过该链接“”前往校外用户的登录和注册界面,点击“External Sign-On”按钮。

  2. If you have an account already, please input the "USER NAME" and "PASSWORD", and then click the button "SIGN IN" to log in the system. You can skip the next below steps and follow the guideline 'To reserve an Electron Microscope' to reserve the instruments.
    如果你已经拥有了账号,请输入“用户名”和“密码”,然后点击按钮“SIGN IN”来登录进系统。你可以直接跳过该模块的其他步骤,直接跟着“预约一个电镜设备”的指引来预约仪器。

    If you don't have an account
    , please click the button “new user”.
    如果你还没有账号,请直接点击”new user”来填写注册信息。

  3. Fill in some mandatory information. You will be asked to select your user group, please search your Principal Investigator's name as your user group name, for example: 汕大张三, please select “San ZHANG-STU”, no need to fill in “License No”, and then click “Register”.
    请填写必选项信息,其中user group请搜索你的课题组负责人姓名,例如:“汕大张三”请填写“San ZHANG-STU”,“License No”不需要填写,然后点击“ Register”。

    If you could not find the corresponding user group in the list, please click the link below based on the electron microscope instrument you want to reserve for the first time
    . The administrator of the instrument will create a new user group for you within 2 working days. When the new user group is created, please repeat this step.
    Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) :
    Focused Ion/Electron DualBeam Microscope (FIB) :
    Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM):

  4. After you click the button "Register", system will pop out a message as the below screenshot.

  5. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a message from the system. 

    Please go to register and log in page via the link "", click the button "External Sign-On". And then input your user name and password. Click the button "SIGN IN" to log in the system.
    请通过链接 ""进入系统的登录与注册界面,点击按钮“ External Sign-On”。填入你的用户名和密码后,点击按钮“SIGN IN”来登录进系统。    

  6. The system will ask you to select the "Service Group" as you are the first time to log in the system. In this case, select "Electron Microscopy Center" as your service group. Then click "Continue".
    在你第一次登录系统时,系统会让你选择加入某一个“ Service Group”。在这个示例中,选择“Electron Microscopy Center”作为服务组。之后,点击按钮“Continue”进入下一步。

  7. The system will automatically redirect you to the homepage.

  • To reserve an Electron Microscope 预约电镜

  1. After you log in the syetem, select the "Materials Science and Engineering Program" from the home page of the system, and then select "Electron Microscopy Center".
    登录系统后,你可以看到系统的主页,选择“Materials Science and Engineering Program”,之后再点击“Electron Microscope Center”。

  2. Select an instrument from the list which you want to reserve, in this case is Scanning Electron Microscope. And then click the button 'Reservation'.
    从下拉的列表中选择你想要预约的器材。在这个示例中,选择“Scanning Electron Microscope”,然后点击按钮“ Reservation  ”

  3. Select a suitable time period from the calendar on the left side of the page, and then fill in the trial application form on the right side of the page. You can use the button "More Options" to enlarge the display area of the form.
    在页面左侧的日历中,选择你想要预约的时间段。之后在页面的右侧找到试验申请表单,并按要求进行填写。你可以通过点击按钮“More Options”来放大表单的展示区域,以方便你的填写。

    After you fill in all the information as request, click the button "CREATE" to submit this application.

  4. The system will pop out the message as the below screenshot, please wait for the EMC administrators to approve your reservation application.

    Once approved, you will be notified by Email.

  • To cancel a reservation    取消预约

  1. Enter the reservation calendar page, and click the time slot which you want to cancel.
    Click the button "CANCEL".

  2. The system will pop out a message as the below screenshot.

  • To turn on the email reminder function    开启邮件提醒功能

  1. If you are worried that you will miss an experiment because you forgot your reservation, you can turn on the system email reminder function, which can send you a reminder email a few hours before the experiment is about to start. 

    Select an instrument from the home page of the system, click the button ":" to display the list. And then click the button "Notify Me".
    从系统首页选择一个你想要开启邮件提醒功能的器材,点击右上角的三个点按钮,之后再点击按钮“Notify Me”。

  2. Check the "Notify me before reservation" option and fill in the number of hours according to your needs to set how long in advance the system will send you a notification email.

    Click the button "Save" to save this configuration.
