How to reserve an X-ray Diffractometer in Bookitlab system (For GTIIT Users)

Table of Content

  1. Register and Login to the Bookitlab system
  2. To reserve an XRD
  3. To cancel a reservation

1. Register and Login to the Bookitlab system

  1. Go to, and click "GTIIT Single Sign-On".

  2. Fill in your GTIIT email address and password to sign in.
  3. You will be asked to select your user group, please select the Principal Investigator's name as your user group name, and click "Submit Your Join Request".
    (If there's no suitable user group name for your team, please click here to reach X-ray Lab to create a new user group and wait for a reply. After creating a new user group, please perform this step again.)
  4. Then "Click here to continue", fill in your personal information, and click “Save Changes”. After that, Click “OK”.
  5. You will be asked to select a Service Group, please select "X-ray Lab" as your service group. Then click "Continue".
  6. You will be waiting for the X-ray Lab administrators to approve your registration request. (Once approved, you will be notified by email.)

2. To reserve an XRD

  1. After login into the system, please find "X-ray Lab" and click it.
  2. Choose a Diffractometer and make a reservation.

  3. Choose a preferred session.
  4. Click "More Option" and fill in the information as required.

  5. Click “CREATE RESERVATION” and wait for the approval. (Once approved, you will be notified by email.)

3. To cancel a reservation

Enter the reservation interface again, click on the time slot of your reservation, then click “CANCEL RESERVATION”.
