How to reserve an X-ray Diffractometer in Bookitlab system (For external Users) 如何在Bookitlab系统上预约XRD(适用于校外用户)

Table of Content 目录

  1. Register and login to Bookitlab system 注册及登录Bookitlab预约系统
  2. To reserve an X-ray Diffractometer 预约XRD
  3. To cancel a reservation 取消预约

Register and login to Bookitlab system 注册及登录Bookitlab预约系统

  1. Go to , click "External Sign-On".
    校外用户请前往 ,并点击“External Sign-On”登录

  2. Click “new user”. Fill in the information. You will be asked to select your user group, please search your Principal Investigator's name as your user group name, for example, Cambridge-Jack, please select “Jack-Cambridge”, and then click “Register”. (If there's no suitable user group name for your team, please click here to reach X-ray Lab to create a new user group and wait for a reply. After creating a new user group, please perform this step again to “Register”.)
    新用户请点击”new user”填写注册信息。请填写必选项信息,其中user group请搜索你的课题组负责人姓名,例如:“剑桥杰克”请填写“Jack-Cambridge”,然后点击Register。(若user group中不存在课题组负责人姓名,请单击这处联系X-ray实验室以创建新的用户组并等待回复,收到回复后,请再执行该步骤进行注册。)

  3. When your registration is approved, you can log in normally with your username and password. After logging in, please set the “Service Group” as X-ray Lab” and click “Continue”.
    注册审批通过后,即可凭用户名和密码正常登录。 登录后请在“Service Group”的选项中选择“X-ray Lab”并点击“continue”。

  4. Please fill in your personal information and click “Save Changes”. Click “OK”.
    请填写你的个人资料,并点击“Save Changes”。然后点击“OK”。

  5. You will be waiting for X-ray Lab to approve your registration request. (Once approved, you will be notified by email to access the Bookitlab system.)
    当X-ray Lab审批了你的注册申请,你将会收到邮件。收到邮件后请点击以下页面的“Back”登录系统。

To reserve an XRD 预约XRD

  1. After login into the system, please find “X-ray Lab” and click it.
    登陆系统,找到“X-ray Lab”并单击进入。

  2. Choose a Diffractometer and make a reservation.

  3. Choose a preferred session. Click "More Option" and fill in the information as required.
    选择合适时间。点击“More Option”,并按照要求填写信息。

  4. Click “CREATE RESERVATION” and wait for the approval. (Once approved, you will be notified by email)
    单击“CREATE RESERNATION”创建预约,等待审批。(审批通过,你会收到邮件。)

To cancel a reservation   取消预约

Enter the reservation interface again, click on the time slot of your reservation, then click “CANCEL RESERVATION”.

重新进入预约的界面,点击已经预约的时间段,点击页面右下角的“CANCLE RESERVATION”进行取消。
