1. Download the latest OneDrive Version
In most cases Onedrive comes with your Office suite installation but if not, please scroll down to the bottom of this page to download the attachment and install OneDrive or go to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=844652 to download the latest version of OneDrive.
2.Install the latest OneDrive
- Double click 【OneDriveSetup.exe】to install.
The installing pops up
Enter your account and sign in:
- Enter your password:
Select the location:
Sync your OneDrive files to this PC
Find the folder of OneDrive-GTIIT in PC
3. View your files online
- Right-click the Onedrive icon at the taskbar on the low-right corner of your desktop. Select View online.
- Share files with other users (Send email with large attachment by OneDrive)
2.1 Upload files into OneDrive
2.2 Choose a file which you would like to share and click "share” button
2.3 Enter a name or Email address. Please note you can choose to share with all users or with specific people. Click Send, the system will automatically send out an email to the users.
Note: The maximum of Outlook email attachement is 60MB, the maximum of webmail attachment is 25MB. If you need to send out large attchment, you may use OneDrive shaing feature.
3. Create a link that you can send via email, SMS, WeChat etc. to share with the user who has no Microsoft office account.